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Uncover the wonders of nature and grasp the key to the unknown world

What will you learn at the Graduate School of Science? It is important to be aware of the purpose of your own study and research, and how it connects to society. However, we also want our students to place importance on their own intellectual curiosity, that is, we expect them to thoroughly pursue events in the natural world that interest them and to uncover the principles associated with these events.

The Graduate School of Science consists of four major departments of study, which are Mathematics, Condensed Matter Physics, Cosmosciences, and Natural History Sciences. The subjects covered are extensive, diverse, and fascinating, ranging from abstract space involving pure mathematics to the microscopic world of particles; the vast universe; the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and subterranean depths; and even biological evolution from the genetic to ecological level. The Graduate School of Science also has a Division of Science Communication within the Department of Natural History Sciences, and stresses the importance of education for scientific literacy.


Division Laboratory
Mathematics Mathematics
Condensed-Matter Physics Quantum Solid State Physics, Condensed-Matter Physics
Cosmosciences Fundamental Physics, Cosmos and Planets
Natural History Sciences Earth and Planetary Dynamics, Earth and Planetary System Science,  Biodiversity, Science Communication, Seismology and Volcanology


Condensed-Matter Physics
Natural History Sciences
Master's degree (Science), Doctorate degree (Science)


Academic fees

Fees for the 2024 academic year

Examination fee

Enrollment fee

Tuition fee

30,000 yen

282,000 yen

535,800 yen (annual)

Admission/Faculty members

*Please go to the respective division pages at the URL above and check there.

Official website